Sunday, October 5, 2008

A New Perspective; The beginning of the journey....

Good Afternoon All,

First, again excuse my absence from this site. Much has transpired in my life and I have to say that I have learned a great deal about the person that I am and have been over the course of my life in these last few weeks.

So...let us start a new journey together....

Isn't it amazing how many of the things that we face on a daily basis play such a large role is molding and shaping our character and our view of life? I know that there are many who say that there is no way that one can go to bed one person and wake up another. I beg to course not in a literal sense but certainly on a more abstract plane of thought.

Take death for instance. Regardless of what one may believe happens to their body, spirits or souls when they have ceased to exist in the realm in which we currently stand, one thing is universal. After walking through this life for whatever time was allowed us by God, it is guaranteed to come to an end one day. How do we face that? Do we stand and face it head on, do we hit the ground running towards it with a recklessness that would rival foolishness, Do we run and hide from it because of the crippling fear that the unknown can have on us or do we simply view it as a transitional phase of life?

In recent months, that is something that I have begun to explore. What is death to me? How do I feel about it and why do I feel what I feel? And most I prepared to meet the Angel of Death with a smile knowing that I have lived my life fully, knowing that I have fulfilled the purpose that was handed to me when I left the classroom of heaven to complete on my internship on earth? Have I ever really experienced what the true nature of success is or the heights of exhilaration that true love will elevate me to? Or have I only arrived at this point in my life to look back over the days that have passed to discover that I have aimlessly wondered through my life in substantial denial of what paths I am supposed to have journeyed?

Why is death the base on which this journey has begun.....

That's easy enough to answer. It is one of two primary experiences that we all have in common and it is the one experience to which there are just as many views and fear of as their are people who have to experience it. I am a Christian woman and was raised in a Christian home. My siblings and I have always been raised to believe that death is not something that we have to fear because God will be there to take us into the afterlife with Him after this life is terminated. We are taught to see death as a transitional experience, a beginning rather than an end. That death is the purifier that will allow us to find rest and relief from the pains and stresses of this life. The fact of the matter is this....more of fear death than do not. Why? Because it represents the ultimate unknown. None of us actually knows what happens after we exhale our last breath and our body is nothing more than an empty shell. YES! We have things that we hope happen to our souls, and we know the things that we have read and things that we have been told; but none of us has had the experience of true death (not near death experiences) where we would actually be able to say what goes on in the afterlife days, months or years after the cessation of mortality.

This blog is only the beginning of my journey...follow along with me as I walk hand in hand with God to see just what He has for me.

Just a preview of what you can look forward to: I will delve into the relationships in my life (not just dating.), I will go through a series of deep and internal investigations to determine what some of my own faults are and how those things play a part in who I am today.

This is your personal invitation to see where this path ends...or begins with me!


Sade said...

I'm excited for you. I feel like I'm also beginning a new journey. It's scary but exhilirating all at the same time. I've been questioning my life since I was a teenager. Now, I'm just working on living it out the best I can. My ultimate goal is to leave this earth with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. I know it's possible for the both of us.