Saturday, November 15, 2008

The End Start of an Old New Direction

LOL...yea I know. The title makes NO sense at all...but I promise by the time you are done reading will know exactly what it means.

*DEEP SIGH* nerves have kicked in for the first time about the changes that are about to take place in my life because of the issues that have arisen with my physical health. Fibromyalgia is a very difficult disease to live with. Many have spent years believing that the chronic pain associated with the disease are made up by the sufferers of though there are many who still have issue with it, many are now enlightened regarding the disease and it's nature because of the years of research and pharmacological advancements that have taken place to help those of us who suffer from the disease to better deal with it. For those of you who have little to no idea about the natire of this disease, I will give you some oversight/insight and a link to a website that will be able to enlighten you further.

First...Fibromyalgia has two major components: Chronic Pain and Chronic and Excessive Fatigue. Unfortunately, I suffer from the more drastic form of both. To get an idea of the pain that we feel here is what you would need to do. It is called an empathy exercise. You know the old wooden cloths pins that out parents and grandparents used to hang the laundry in the back yard with..get three of them. Clip them all on one finger and let it sit for 30 minutes will know the pain that we live with daily...24/7. As far as the fatigue....there is no real empathy exercise. But I will simply say this....there are days that I can't...not don't want to...but literally can't get out of my bed because I am SO weak and exhausted. The combination of those two things have made life very difficult for me. However, even in that..I PRAISE GOD! matter how bad it could always be worse and no matterhow manybad days I have, a good one is around the corner. Through yet another medical issue, I have learned not to take the gifts of God for granted...because no matter how simple the ability there is NOTHING in the world like having it!

So we exactly 5:04pm EST. I am officially retired. Four minutes....over the last four minutes, the last 18 years of my life have been "erased" and I have no idea what my future holds. I open my eyes and look at the road ahead of me and I see.....clouds. I'm not sure....hmph. Interesting.

I fear very few things and there is not much that moves me drastically in one direction or another where emotional response is concerned. But four minutes, I have come up with more questions about my future than i believe I have asked all year. Is this an ending, or beginning...or it neither? Is it something that just

I am speechless. It is not often that I have no advice to give. No pearl of wisdom to offer....but now, that is exactly where I am. In a big empty room. I don't see anything, and I don't know if anything sees me.

I know that God knows what He is doing. He always have...this is just one of those occasions that I wish I knew too. But, I am going to try not to strees and worry about it and practice what I preach...Follow after God....He knows where He is going and where He is taking just let Him drive.

I will keep you posted....this will be an interesting journey to say the VERY least!


The Ex-Doctor....Turning out the light and Locking the door to this office one last time.


Sade said...

I am sooo excited and nervous for you at the same time. I'm only 20 but I know what it's like to leave behind.something that you've known or has been apart of you your whole life and step towards the unknown. All I can say is that it takes true courage to walk on faith. Most speak of it but can not do it. I do applaude you!

BeautifulLady81 said...

Dr. Blackmon,
Only God knows what lies ahead for you, but I do know that he has a purpose for all his children, and I also know that you are not done yet:)Your journey has yet to be fulfilled, and I am anticipting on hearing of all the many more blessings God has instore for you.

mz.oliver22 said...

Dr. Blackmon,
I know that it is hard to stop something that you have been doing for so long. Dont look at it as a bad thing you've done what you wanted to do and you put blood sweat and tears into your career. Now its time for you to let your hair down, relax, be still and let God shower you with his blessings that you truely deserve. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things" Matthew 6:34

Travlngrl1996 said...

Dr. Blackmon,
Congratulations on the newest chapter in your book called "Life." How exciting it is for you to enter this new phase in your life. I know that sometimes it can be scary facing the unknown, but I know that you know that God's got your back. Keep faith in Him and Trust that everything (all things) are in His loving and caring hands.

Unknown said...

Dr. Blackmon:

I completely understand the title of your blog. Sometimes, we have to listen to what our body says no matter what our minds say. God does know your path and only He can determine when you've had enough. Just remember that "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen" Hebrews 11:1. Faith in this essence is a noun. Your FAITH will get your through this journey. Although you may be sad or feeling like what's next, just remember some of those license tags that say "I'm Retired, not dead." You are retired for now. You may embark on another journey in the midst of it all. Therefore, let your light so shine before man so that He may see your good works!

Be blessed in all that you do.


va_aggie said...

Dr. Blackmon,

I can relate to your situation. I had to make changes in my life due to health issues. And like you, I realized that all was not lost, and my circumstances did not define me. You will go on to do bigger and better things!

With Love, From Nina said...

Exuse my tardiness is responding to your post. I too suffer from Fibromyalgia and it has been beating me down for the past few weeks terribly. I was diagnosed in August of this year and have a really tough time adjusting but GOD is carrying me through just like HE has done and is doing with you! I am so happy for you! New journey's are always a blessing. I wonder what you will do now? :) The beautiful part in that is....the possiblities are endless :)
