Friday, November 21, 2008

A Time for Thanks.....

Good Evening,

Now we are approaching a time for us to review our lives and give thanks. Another year of life has nearly passed and right now...if you are reading this, you have been blessed to be here...blessed to see it. So in this post, let us take time out of our busy lives and give thanks for the things that we have been blessed to have this year. At the same time, let us remember those who are not so fortunate as we are.

These are just a few of the things that I am thankful for:

1) First and Foremost I am thankful for the gift of salvation and forgiveness that was granted to
me, through the death, burial and Resurrection of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

2) I am thankful for the lives of lost loved ones. I am thankful for the lessons that their lives
taught me and others who were privileged to know them, to have been a part of their lives.
For having been blessed and fortunate enough to have had them in mine.

3) I am thankful for my children who are still with me. I am grateful for their unconditional
love...for their spirit of love and support and survival. I am grateful for everyday that God
grants me with them.

4) I am thankful for two WONDERFUL parents and two AWESOME God-Parents! The wisdom
that I get from them is incomparable. I am thankful that even though we have been through
alot this year, we have overcome! We have drawn closer and wiser from the experiences.

5) I am thankful for my best friend, C.J., Even though we live hundreds of miles apart, there have been so many days that I know I could not have gotten through without you. You have been a strength to me that I have desperately needed...and for that...I love you!

6) I am thankful for a place to live, a car to drive, a means to eat, ALL of the basics necessities
of life that we all to often take for granted.

There are MANY more things that I am thankful to have (Like you!) and I am sure that throughout the rest of my life, I will have many more things to be thankful for.

In essence, I can honestly say, I am just thankful to be wise enough to KNOW that I have much to be thankful for! What about you?


BeautifulLady81 said...

Very well said Dr. Blackmon, and yes we have plenty to be thankful for.I pray that God continue to bless you and your family. I know it can be a difficult time during the holidays when you've recently lost those close to you. I can somewhat relate, losing two of my aunties recently. But as you said during these times we should reflect and be thankful for the impact they have placed in our lives, and thank God for granting us the priviledge of knowing, and loving them.

I am thankful for so much,like...

My salvation, and God's grace and mercy that he gives me everyday of my life. I can honestly say that I never would have made without God on my side. I'm also thankful for his son; my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit;which guides me in my daily walk.

I'm thankful for my loving husband(who is also my best friend), and his unconditional love that he gives to me and our children.He is truly God-sent.I am thankful for my two sons;Elijah and Isaiah.I'm thankful for their love, and strength. Those two are my inspiration to be a better woman.

And I'm grateful for my parents, and all they have taught me, they set the foundation for which I stand today.(love u mama & daddy).And for others( my sisters, family) whom I love dearly and hold close to heart.

I'm thankful for all the people God has placed in my life. I am truly blessed to have encountered such wonderful individuals. And last but not least,I am thankful for you, Dr. I told you before you are an inspiration to me, and I truly feel that our meeting is a blessing from our Heavenly are a blessing to me, and I thank God for that.And I pray that I can be half of the strong, wise, and inspiring woman and friend you are to me.Thank you Dr. Blackmon:)
Carrie S

Unknown said...

Well stated Dr. Blackmon. I could get into details about what I am thankful for but it would take me all day, all night, and all weekend. Therefore, I am going to do a collective.

I am thankful for all things and people that have come into my life this year and over the years as well as the things that have occurred in my life. Without these and those, I would not be shaped to be who I am today. I just continue to thank God for everyday, as it is our present!

Be blessed.


With Love, From Nina said...

Happy Turkey Day Dr. Blackmon and ladies!
I am most thankful for GOD showing me that HE only wants what's best for me and saving me by HIS grace. I am thankful for my busy little baby boy that waves "bye-bye"with a smile a blows me kisses every morning before I go to work. I am greatful for my diehard mother and father who have neve given up on me inspite of all my mistakes!

I am also thankful for second chances in life to do the things that the devil tried to make me think were too late to do or impossible.

I am finally thankful for my husband, the man of my life and dreams, my bestfriend and my homeboy(lol) that, as of Sunday November 30, I will have shared one year with as his wife!



va_aggie said...

Simply put, I am truly thankful for all of my blessings, and my blessings yet to come. I wish you all nothing but the best.

Happy Holidays!